

Buku English to Elevate 1 for Grade VII of Junior High Schools disusun berdasarkan Kurikulum Merdeka yang memberikan keleluasaan bagi satuan pendidikan dalam mengembangkan potensi dan karakteristik yang dimiliki peserta didik.


English to Elevate is an English material book which employs genre-based approach in accordance to the latest curriculum. This book aims to develop the six macro-skills, including listening, speaking, reading, viewing, writing, and presenting. Here are the features in the book. - Learning Objective provides information about the learning achievements that students must attain as well as the relevant materials that the students must learn. - Let's Talk stimulates students to get insights related to the language skill use in real life. - Build Your Knowledge focuses on how students build knowledge of language, use context which relates to students' needs, and involve students in basic aspects. - Learn the Model provides opportunities for students to investigate the social function, generic structure, and language features of texts. - Let's Learn Together emphasizes on how students create the text types with support. - Show Off is the part where students create the texts more independently. - Activity act as steps in achieving a competence. - QR Code assists the students in digital learning. - Hint gives deeper and more specific materials for the students. - Pancasila Graduate's Profile invite students get opportunity to evaluate their own quality to build their character. - Let's Reflect involves students in such an activity as evaluating their learning achievement. - Check Your Understanding requires students to do a multiple-choice test to assess their learning achievement. - Stretch Your Mind gives students an enrichment test for developing their Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). - Semester Evaluation can be used as end-semester practice or the parameter to analyze the students' competence in each chapter or semester. - Assessment of Minimum Competence is to examine and portray the students' highly needed basic skill, so that they are able to develop their relevance in society. - Projects of Pancasila Graduate's Profile: are individual or group projects to dig up further the values of Pancasila to the students related to the materials they have been learning.



Informasi Koleksi

  • Jumlah Terjual0
  • Harga Jual Rp.38.000
  • SKUA01507.001
  • E-ISBN9786231998798
  • PengarangWidayati
  • PenerbitTiga Serangkai Pustaka Mandiri
  • Jumlah Halaman304 Halaman
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