

Buku ini merupakan buku ajar siswa mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris: Life Today untuk SMA/MA Kelas XII.


The world is developing rapidly. Advanced technology, artificial intelligence, internet connection, and renewable energy are affecting every sector, like the economy, society and culture. These represent a significant opportunity to achieve the popular term namely Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Life Today is presented to fulfill what you need to be concerned about. This book offers you topics that let you be more responsive to what happens to the world nowadays. The Story of a Friendly Future tells us about the story of how humans make benefit from nature, e-money shows people's awareness of digital literacy, netiquette exemplifies how the internet becomes part of people's culture and the carbon footprints provide you with various paradigms on people's contribution to the environment. These topics are relevant for you to discuss so that you can be more aware and responsible to deal with today's life issues. The learning stages are arranged in Genre-Based Approach (GBA) stages: Building Knowledge ofthe Field (BKoF), Modeling oftheText(MoT), Joint Construction of the Text (JCoT) and Independent Construction of the Text (ICoT). These scaffold students in listening-speaking, reading-viewing and writing-presenting elements. How is English learned in this book? Life Today is ready to guide you.



Informasi Koleksi

  • Jumlah Terjual0
  • SKUA33408.003
  • E-ISBN9786024279455
  • PengarangSusanti Retno Hardini, Achdi Merdianto, Marjenny, Rani Nurhayati, Isry Laila Syathroh, Dadan
  • PenerbitPusat Perbukuan Badan Standar, Kurikulum, dan Asesmen Pendidikan Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi
  • Jumlah Halaman272 Halaman
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